"It's Basically Everything At Your Fingertips."
Donegal High School in Pennsylvania has partnered with Mascot Media to enhance its athletics program, and Athletic Director Frank Hawkins couldn’t be happier with the results.
In a recent interview with Mascot Media’s Brady Tillerson at the Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors Association Conference, Hawkins shared how Mascot Media’s platform has transformed Donegal’s entire athletics program to a more professional and collegiate level.

Q: What has been the most helpful?
“The product itself is easy to use, and most importantly, it’s been easy for our students and community to use. It’s basically everything at your fingertips,” Hawkins said. He also noted that it’s been easy for he and his team to upload pictures of their athletes. “It’s transforming our entire platform to a more professional level.”
Q: How did you roll it out to your community?
Hawkins said and his team took an incremental approach to implementing their new platform, starting with the winter sports season and troubleshooting any issues before rolling it out to the spring and fall season. This approach allowed them to fine-tune the platform to best serve the needs of their program and community.
Q: What does your administration think of the platform?
Despite the challenges that come with change, Hawkins said that Donegal’s superintendent and administration were pleasantly surprised by how their new platform looked. “They’re (also) ecstatic about what this has done for our district, including bringing in more vendors and sponsors.” Hawkins added that the platform has enabled them to provide more information to the community than ever before.
Overall, Donegal High School has successfully transformed its athletics program with the help of Mascot Media’s user-friendly website and app. As Hawkins noted, the platform has taken their program to a whole new level and enabled them to better serve their community.
This is the power of technology in high school athletics – to connect communities and elevate programs to new levels of success.
Donegal’s story is just one example of how Mascot Media is changing the game for high school sports.

Brady Tillerson:
We’re here with Frank Hawkins of Donegal High School. We’re really excited your school is partnered with us, Frank. I know that you have started to really roll everything out on the website and the app. But what has been most helpful?
Frank Hawkins:
The product itself has been easy to use, and most importantly, it’s been easy for our students and community to use. It’s basically everything at your fingertips. We’ve been able to upload pictures of our athletes and the overall look has become much more professional, almost like a collegiate level. It’s transforming our entire platform to a more professional level.
Brady Tillerson:
That’s great to hear. know you rolled it out to the community the very practical way. How did that work for you?
Frank Hawkins:
Yes, you actually gave us some great suggestions on how to do that. We decided to roll it out incrementally, starting with our winter sports season. This allowed us to troubleshoot any bugs and see what works best for us before rolling it out to our spring season. Taking those incremental steps allowed us to see what works best for us instead of doing it all at once.
Brady Tillerson:
I know going to your administration to ask for something like this is a big deal. What would you say was the most impressive to them and most beneficial when you approached them with this big change?
Frank Hawkins:
There was some uncertainty and questions with any change, but our superintendent and administration were pleasantly surprised by the look and transformation of our website. They’re ecstatic about what this has done for our district, including bringing in more vendors and sponsors. We’re thrilled to be able to provide more information to our community.